SDK for data integrity and tokenization

Connect apps and platforms easily to the most scalable public blockchain


Learn how G2C Suite works

Getting Started

The G2C Suite is an SDK with two main components: the client library (JavaScript) and the server side (Node.js). Download libraries in your environment and start to configure the pieces you need for your app. Complete documentation is available in the control panel.

Wallet Infrastructure

Complete white-label non-custodial wallets in your apps. Including Hierarchical Deterministic Keys (HD Wallets) for enhanced privacy, UTXO management, digital signatures, data encryption and access permission management.

Direct & Conditional Payments

Once users have wallets, they can use peer-to-peer direct and conditional payment functions. Easy creation of configurable escrow accounts with programmable payments like never before.

Payment Channels

Opening payment channels between users, allows you to build apps with totally new features such as pay per minute services, real-time auctions, etc… Your imagination is the limit.

Data integrity and storage

Use Metanet Trees and organize your information in a structured way on the Blockchain. Configure your folders, add files and give permission to issue, read or transfer photos, certificates, receipts, or any other file, using timestamping and digital signatures

Digital Assets & Tokenization

The G2C Suite infrastructure allows you to legally issue and manage unique digital assets on the Blockchain. Tickets, Securities, redeemable products and services, EDI... The tokenization of everything is just starting.

Benefits of G2C Suite

High scalability

The G2C Suite is an enterprise-grade IT infrastructure to support high volume of transactions and data. The base mainnet reaches more than 50.000tx/s and it never really hits a scale ceiling thanks to Teranode.

Predictable and stable ultra low cost

With G2C Suite you pay a monthly fee for the limits you need and you don’t have to worry about mainnet transaction costs. You are covered by G2C. Starting at €490/month you can write hundreds of thousands of events.

Privacy by default

Users own and control their content and their assets while maintaining privacy, without compromising traceability or accountability.

Instant transactions

G2C Suite uses an hyper-connected type of network where transactions are propagated instantly and accepted in seconds.


G2C Suite and the base protocol layer natively tracks every transaction, compliantly, on-chain. It is designed with existing regulatory frameworks and legal identities in mind.

Proof of work and data on chain

G2C Suite uses a network that scales natively on chain and it can be used as stable, decentralised timepstamp server. Additionally the SDK provides on/off chain data storage to assure data integrity.



For those who want to test how it works.


This includes:

  • 1 App
  • 20 Transactions in total
  • 1 Mb Data On-Chain in total
  • 1 Mb Storage in total
  • 5 Digital Assets in total
Create Account


For those who want to benefit from it.


This includes:

  • 2 Apps in total
  • 100.000 Transactions per month
  • 100 Mb Data On-Chain per month
  • 10 GB hybrid data storage in total
  • 10.000 Digital Assets per month
Create Account


For those who want to take it further.

Depending on volume

This includes:

  • Unbounded Apps
  • Unbounded Transactions
  • Unbounded Data On-Chain
  • Unbounded Storage
  • Unbounded Digital Assets
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